We proudly present that nanographics has won the Image Award at the Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2019 with our rendering of the dynamic behavior of microtubles. The image shows a procedural model of microtubule dynamics. It is rendered in real-time in our inhouse molecular visualization framework. The image depicts the “catastrophe” event, i.e., a sudden switch between the growth and rapid shortening of a microtubule, a filiament which is a part of the cytoskeleton. In the background, you can see the molecules of the cytoplasm, which fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane.
The annual Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) addresses the state of the art in visual computing research with a strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for experts (researchers and practitioners) from visualization, visual analytics, computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, human computer interfaces as well as experts from biology and medicine, jointly working on next generation visual computing solutions for medicine, healthcare and the biotechnology sector.